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SS : Memories Part 5

October 14, 2012

The room was empty and she padded across the floor of the storeroom. 
She heard voices pick up outside as she searched for a box of papers that she had been sent in to find…
“Why do THEY not like me too? That man’s attitude has turned the whole office against me…”
Khushi soon heard the doors to the room slam shut and snap lock.
Dropping the box, she ran towards them, “No…No no no!”
Pulling at the handles, which she already knew was pointless, she stamped her feet…
“Damn…Now I’m going to get fired for being hated, laughed at, locked in the storeroom…” she turned around…”AND messing up a box full of papers …”
Sighing, she sank to her knees beside the empty box and began to sift through the mess of paper that had scattered over the floor.
Arnav paced the floor in his office…
“She must remember…on some level…” he thought furiously…
The memory of her being so close continued to flash before him…
“What an attitude on her…drives me insane…” he muttered, then promtly smirked…”She always brought that out in me…as well as…”
That’s where his memory halted…
Slamming his fist on his desk he almost growled with frustration…
“I want…I NEED to remember everything…”
Storming out, he raced down the stairs…
“Where is Khushi?” Arnav asked as he entered the downstairs office…
“Khushi?” One lady asked…
Arnav scowled at her…”Yes…Khushi Kumari Gupta…The new girl…Where is she?”
The woman in front of him shrugged…
Other workers just muttered that they didn’t know…
“What do you MEAN you don’t know!?” his voice stunned the room to silence.
The staff now knew he meant business.
He turned to the woman, who was in charge of the office workers…”You. YOU are responsible for the whereabouts of all MY staff…so WHERE is she…?”
Now turning pale with fright and deeply regretting her ‘trick’ on the new girl, she didn’t know what would make her problem worse…Telling him that she locked Khushi in the storeroom, or waiting for him to FIND OUT that she locked Khushi in the storeroom.
“I….I….I will find her…I will find her and send her to your office…”
“You will stay here.”  Arnav said standing tall
Slowly he shot his burning gaze at his staff…”I saw how you all treated her when she first arrived. If that happens again, you will all be fired. I MEAN IT.”
Scowling, he marched away…
Reaching the front desk, he inquired if they had seen Khushi…
Turning around, he started to get a strange familiar feeling of worry…
He couldn’t find her.
“She hasn’t left the building…” he mumbled…”Then…”
Pulling at his tie, he loosened it…
Not knowing where Khushi was was beginning to cause his body to react…
His palms were sweating…
His heart was racing…
His head was throbbing…
“Where is she!?”
A memory began to tweak inside his mind…
“I couldn’t find her once before…” his head darted from left to right…”And she was…in a dark back room…”
In a flash, he took off…
Now that Khushi had cleaned up the papers, she sat alone in the storeroom thinking to herself…
“Why hasn’t anyone come to find me yet…?”
She took some deep breaths to calm her nerves…
When Arnav reached the storeroom, he saw that the doors were latched shut.
Angrily pulling the doors open, they drifted closed as he sped inside…
She didn’t hear Arnav Singh Raizada  enter the room until he was almost beside her.
Khushi looked up as he skidded to a halt. 
Those dark eyes swept over her, and before she could speak, he seized her shoulders and pulled her up to face him…
He couldn’t think coherently… “Where have you been?” he demanded.
She swallowed hard, trying to find comfort in his eyes, since SHE was the one who had been locked in his store room for over and hour…
For a long moment, she couldn’t speak, couldn’t move. 
Why did she feel so protected around him?
Why did she want to curl into his embrace?
“Do you know how long I’ve been searching for you!?” His voice boomed around her and she swore she felt the building shake… 
She glanced up at the ceiling, half-expecting the walls to come tumbling down around her.
She returned her wary gaze to her boss, pulling her dupatta more securely around her…
“Well…I…I was sent in here to find a file and…and before I could get it…the door…the door slammed shut…and it locked…I’m…I’m sorry…”
As much as she wanted to kick “ASR” in the shins and race past, she started to think of what would have happened if he hadn’t found her when he did…
The staff clearly didn’t like her…
They wouldn’t come looking for her…
“You’re trembling,” he whispered as his grip tightened on her arms…
Khushi opened her mouth to reply, but there was nothing to tell him. 
No words came out.
A loud bang suddenly resounded through the room, as the door slammed shut once again…
She instinctively stepped closer to Arnav, who hadn’t taken his eyes off her…
“Are you all right?”
Khushi nodded tentatively, starting to register just how close they were…
Arnav reached up and brushed a lock of hair from her cheek.
At the soft caress, Khushi lifted her gaze from the buttons on his shirt, to his face. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered…“I don’t know how…”
“No” he whispered, leaning toward her…”The door can only be locked from the outside…you are not to blame here…”
 “I…I was INSIDE the room! I didn’t lock it! I swear! Why would I? HOW could I?”
Arnav felt his control slipping and he held her firmly as he purposefully walked forwards…
Her hands flew up to his chest defensively as her eyes opened wide in shock…
As her back hit the wall, Arnav leaned forward nearly brushing his lips against hers…
“Shut…up…I KNOW you didn’t do it…you were locked IN!”
When he pulled back, it wasn’t far. 
His heated eyes filled her vision. 
Their noses touched, and his breath fanned across her mouth. 
Khushi parted her lips to speak…
But the moment she did that, he leaned toward her, pressing his lips to hers… 
He covered her mouth with his, and she was shocked at the desire that flamed to life inside her. 
Her stomach swirled, as did her entire world.
She felt his hands move up her arms, pulling her closer. 
She was suddenly so lost in the tumult of emotions raging through her …
The kiss never slowed…
It burned them both, deep to their souls…
As his mouth devoured hers, two minds were hard at work…
One remembering more…
And one no closer to remembering…
As one heart’s past became fully disclosed…
The other heart was becoming more and more confused…
Arnav could no longer hold back, he broke the kiss, but didn’t retreat…”I can’t believe I found you…How did this happen!? Why didn’t I ever try to find out more!”
Khushi remained motionless…
Her eyes drank in her surroundings…
The sound of a door opening rudely stunted the moment…
Someone had entered the storeroom.
Her face turned bright red as she roughly pushed Arnav away from her…
Arnav hadn’t heard anything except the beat of his own heart…that was alive and kicking again…
But he saw the confusion in her eyes…
He knew she still hadn’t remembered…
Arnav heard her footsteps and whirled, finding her fleeing from the room. 
Her long dark hair whipped out behind her like the flag of a retreating enemy.
Arnav desperately wanted to go after her…wanted to explain…wanted to hold her…
His heart was overcome…
But he knew, that for the time being, it was only his memory that had returned…
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